Dallas Luxury Homes For Sale - Keller Williams Luxury Dallas

Luxury means different things to different people.
Refined Luxury is an exclusive group of top real estate agents
on a quest to help you realize your definition of luxury.

Dallas Luxury Homes For Sale - Luxury Homes for Sale in Dallas

Refined Luxury by Keller Williams luxury tailors the process of buying and selling to your one-of-a-kind vision.

Refined Luxury by Keller Williams Luxury is an exclusive group of top agents who list and sell luxury real estate in Dallas-Fort Worth. We understand that, above all, you need a team you can rely on to protect your time, interests, and investments. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that the process goes smoothly – letting you move effortlessly from vision to reality.

Our luxury real estate agents have a proven track record. We treasure the trust we’ve built along the way – by serving with the utmost fiduciary care. Whether it’s finding the right home improvement experts, personal and professional introductions, or leveraging our global network, Refined Luxury exists to connect our resources to your vision.

Dallas Luxury Homes For Sale

Sold Listings

Dallas Luxury Real Estate Agents

Noe De Leon
Keller Williams Luxury

Carol Thompson
Keller Williams Luxury

Ornelas + Kline
Keller Williams Luxury

Charles Brazil
Keller Williams Luxury

Kim Davis
Keller Williams Luxury

Marvin Jolly
Keller Williams Luxury

Helen Baker
Keller Williams Luxury

Nick McCoy
Keller Williams Luxury

Jacque Trulock
Keller Williams Luxury

Mike Brodie
Keller Williams Luxury

Contact Refined Luxury – Dallas Luxury Realty

3600 Preston Rd
Plano, TX 75093

Luxury homes for sale in dallas
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